El dilluns 27 de febrer, a les 19,00 h a la sala Pere i Joan Coromines, va tenir lloc la presentació del llibre Romanesque Cathedrals in Mediterranean Europe. Architecture, Ritual and Urban Context. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2016. (Architectura Medii Aevi, 7)», a càrrec dels doctors Gerardo Boto i Marc Sureda i la doctora Esther Lozano, membres integrants del Grup de Recerca Templa.
Es tracta d’un volum que explora l’arquitectura i la configuració de les catedrals romàniques europees, especialment de l’àmbit mediterrani, prestant una atenció especial als rituals litúrgics, el mobiliari, la iconografía i el context urbà.
Va començar la presentació Gerardo Boto (coeditor del volum, juntament amb Justin Kroesen) exposant les línies mestres del llibre i els elements més significatius dels treballs presentats. A continuació, Marc Sureda i Esther Lozano es van centrat més en les pròpies aportacions. 

El contingut del volum és el següent:  
Gerardo Boto Varela, Justin Kroesen: Romanesque Cathedrals in Mediterranean Europe: Balance and Perspectives  
Shaping Cathedrals in the Pre-Romanesque Era

  • Beat Brenk: The Cathedrals of Early Medieval Italy: The Impact of the Cult of the Saints and the Liturgy on Italian Cathedrals from 300 to 1200
  • Jean-Pierre Caillet: French Cathedrals around the Year 1000: Forms and Functions, Antecedents, and Future

Building Romanesque Cathedrals on Older Substrates

  • Matthias Untermann: Between ‘Church Families’ and Monumental Architecture: German Eleventh-Century Cathedrals and Mediterranean Traditions
  • Mauro Cortelazzo, Renato Perinetti: Aosta Cathedral from Bishop Anselm’s Project to the Romanesque Church, 998‒1200
  • Gerardo Boto Varela: Inter primas Hispaniarum urbes, Tarraconensis sedis insignissima: Morphogenesis and Spatial Organisation of Tarragona Cathedral (1150‒1225)

Romanesque Cathedrals in Urban Contexts

  • Quitterie Cazes: The Cathedral of Toulouse (1070‒1120): An Ecclesiastical, Political, and Artistic Manifesto
  • Saverio Lomartire: The Renovation of Northern Italian Cathedrals during the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: The State of Current Research and Some Unanswered Questions
  • Xavier Barral I Altet: Medieval Cathedral Architecture as an Episcopal Instrument of Ideology and Urban Policy: The Example of Venice
  • Javier Martínez De Aguirre: The Architecture of Jaca Cathedral: The Project and its Impact
  • Jorge [Manuel De Oliveira] Rodrigues: The Portuguese Cathedrals and the Birth of a Kingdom: Braga, Oporto, Coimbra, and the Historical Arrival at Lisbon — Capital City and Shrine of St Vincent

Liturgical Layout and Spatial Organization

  • Michele Bacci: The Mise-en-Scène of the Holy in the Lateran Church in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
  • Elisabetta Scirocco: Liturgical Installations in the Cathedral of Salerno: The Double Ambo in its Regional Context between Sicilian Models and Local Liturgy
  • Marc Sureda I Jubany: Romanesque Cathedrals in Catalonia as Liturgical Systems: A Functional and Symbolical Approach to the Cathedrals of Vic, Girona, and Tarragona (Eleventh‒Fourteenth Centuries)

Visual Discourses and Iconogaphic Programmes

  • Francesc Fité I Llevot: New Interpretation of the Thirteenth-Century Capitals of the Ancient Cathedral of Lleida (‘Seu Vella’)
  • Peter K. Klein: The Iconography of the Cloister of Gerona Cathedral and the Functionalist Interpretation of Romanesque Historiated Cloisters: Possibilities and Limitations
  • Marta Serrano Coll, Esther Lozano López: The Cloistral Sculpture at La Seu d’Urgell and the Problem of its Visual Repertoire